I saw it the minute I walked into the store.
To be honest it would be hard to miss, this glamorous yet coastal themed orange chest of drawers.
I call it my Orange Crush but sadly I do not have a place for it. Maybe if I had seen it a year ago, in my early days of shopping for our new home, I would have worked a room around it. But now I am too far in, too committed, to the purchases I have made to be able to bring this beauty home with me.
I discovered it at Allison Craig.
I didn't go home empty handed though. I did find this gorgeous and dramatically over- sized cobalt blue John Richards lamp.
I've noticed that as I am scouring the furniture stores lately and I am drawn toward a floor or table lamp that nine times out of ten it is a John Richard's piece. They obviously have my number.
Perhaps there should be a John Richard's lighting post in BeColorful Coastal's near future.